Outboard / Marine Fuel Injector Service
1-888-771-Fuel ( 3835 )
Q : Do You Install New Filters ?
A: Yes we do on all injectors that have filters.
Q: Do you supply a Flow report with returned Fuel Injectors ?
A: Yes, unless the filters have been removed by someone.
We do not flow fuel injectors without filters.
Q: Do you supply new O-Rings and Grommets on returned Fuel Injectors ?
A: Yes and No. We have all available Fuel Injector parts.
Some parts are not available and are OEM parts we can not get.
Leave all your old parts on the injectors.
If they are available we will replace them and send you back your old parts.
Q: Do you furnish the Yamaha HPDI gaskets that go between the injector and block ?
A: No. This is not part of the injector. This is a OEM part from Yamaha.
These gaskets must be replaced (2 per injector).
You must see a Yamaha dealer for these parts.
Q: Do you service Mercury Opti-Max Air Injectors
A: Yes we do. We use ASNU Direct Injector Machines for Service.
We do not furnish a flow report for Mercury Air Injectors.
They do not meter fuel. But we do flow and check.
We also do not furnish O-rings for air injectors.
OEM product that's not available to us.
Q: Do you send back my fuel Injectors ?
A: Yes. We service your fuel Injectors and send Your fuel Injectors back.
Q: Do you sell fuel Injectors ?
A: No.. We do not sell injectors.