Outboard / Marine Fuel Injector Service
1-888-771-Fuel ( 3835 )
All Top feed Fuel Injectors are $20.00 each which is most injectors
Fuel flows in from the top of injector.
2-Stroke, 4-Stroke, HPDI, Opti-Max Air Injectors etc.
All side fuel Injectors are $26.00 each
Fuel flows in from the side of the injector.
Opti-Max fuel Injectors
Etec Fuel Injectors are $62.00 each
We do not promise any turnaround time on Etec Fuel Injectors.
We do not ship Fuel Injectors until Invoices are paid.
We will not service one injector.
We only service full sets.
You must service ALL injectors to do it correctly.